Volunteer Application Form (Note: If you are under 18 year of age, please contact volunteers@cayu.ca for the Jr. Volunteer Application)

Please fill out this form and click submit.
General Information
Birthdate must be written in DD-MM-YYYY form
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Medical Information (This information will be used only in emergency situations once your volunteer application is accepted.  It is not used to determine your eligibility to volunteer.) 
Emergency Contact
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
Hobbies and Interests
Please select all that apply.
Special Skill/ Training
Please select one option.
EMPLOYMENT & EDUCATION Please fill out Section A and B as applicable.
Section A
Section B
Please select one option.
Other Information
Please note that a Vulnerable Sector Check will be required prior to beginning any volunteer position where there is contact with youth or other vulnerable persons.
References (Please provide 3 references, preferably one being a pastoral reference).  Note: references should not include family members)
This application form and the information contained therein are being provided in confidence and shall not be disclosed to any person other than Central Alberta Youth Unlimited.
FOIPP Consent

Please select all that apply.
Oath of Confidentiality

I will respect the rights of youth, staff and volunteers to total privacy concerning the details of their lives, such as names, addresses, background, family relationships and any other personal information. 

I agree to limit my discussion to the specific duties and responsibilities as outlined in my job description. Specifically, I can discuss what I do, but will not share information that may identify any individual associated with Central Alberta Youth Unlimited / YFC. 

I agree to keep all information about the youth confidential and will share this information with my co-workers on a need to know basis. 

I understand that I am required to inform my supervisor of any incidents that may occur within my duties at Central Alberta Youth Unlimited / YFC and that the passing of this information to my supervisor is classified as a “need to know” basis and does not breach this Oath of Confidentiality. 

I understand that as a condition of my involvement with Central Alberta Youth Unlimited / YFC, that I am expected to maintain confidentiality. Any breach of confidentiality will result in disciplinary measures, which could include dismissal. 

I understand and agree that this oath of confidentiality will remain in effect even if I cease to be involved with Central Alberta Youth Unlimited / YFC. 

Central Alberta Youth Unlimited Statement of Faith

Please indicate your agreement of the following tenets which make up Central Alberta Youth Unlimited's Statement of Faith
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Central Alberta Youth Unlimited/ YFC Policy Regarding Professional Conduct with Young People

Central Alberta Youth Unlimited/ YFC (CAYU) believes in absolute professional propriety with regard to its work with young people. As such all the following policies are mandatory for CAYU staff and volunteers. It is the responsibility of the individual volunteer or staff member and their immediate supervisor to ensure compliance with these policies. 

No staff member or volunteer should have any young person connected with the work of CAYU under the age of 18 stay in their house over night. On exceptional occasions where this is deemed necessary, other staff or volunteers are to be present and parents or guardians must give written permission. No staff member or person acting in a capacity as CAYU volunteer is to stay overnight alone with any such young person. 

It is recognized that private conversations are sometimes a necessary part of the work. These will be conducted in a public building or public place (CAYU office, drop in, restaurant, etc.). 

CAYU is under legal obligation with respect to the knowledge it or its officers possess regarding young people under the age of 18. As such the relevant authorities will always be contacted immediately, should CAYU come into any knowledge regarding underage runaways or allegations of any form of abuse. All supervisors should make sure all staff and volunteers are aware of the correct procedures for doing this in the area or locality involved. The relevant ministry is the Ministry of Children and Family Services Authority and a case worker there should be immediately contacted, as should the staff member's supervisor. 

No CAYU worker or volunteer will be alone in a vehicle with any young person connected with the work of CAYU. If a journey needs to be conducted, a third person, preferably a staff or volunteer, should always be present. In exceptional circumstances where the journey is of crucial importance (medical emergency etc.) and no other staff or volunteer is available, the staff member must ensure that the youth rides in the back seat only. The staff must call their supervisor and inform them of departure and then again on arrival. 

All CAYU staff and volunteers must submit to criminal record checks. All staff should inform their volunteers of the need for this before they can take part in the work. 
Waiver and Liability Release

1.  The risk of injury from youth activities and equipment involved in some Youth Unlimited programs is significant, including the potential for permanent disability and death, and although personal discipline will minimize the risk, the risk of serious injury does exist;

2.  I KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS, both known and unknown, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE of those persons released from liability below, and assume full responsibility for my child/ren's participation;

3. I, for myself or my child/ren, and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, hereby release and hold harmless Youth Unlimited Central Alberta, the owners and leasers of premises used to conduct the activities and programs, their directors, officers, officials, agents and/or employees ("Releasees"), with respect to any and all injury, disability, death or loss or damage to person or property whether caused by the negligence of the Releasees or otherwise, except that which is the result of gross negligence and/ or wanton misconduct.

4.  I, the undersigned parent/ legal guardian, will not hold CAYU responsible for any personal injury, or care provided, or for any loss or damage whatsoever with respect to my child/ren.  I waive any claim against CAYU, its employees, agents and board members and release them from all liability.  I further indemnify the for all losses they might suffer.

5.  In the event of injury or illness, I authorize CAYU staff to seek and obtain medical or surgical attention for my child/ren named above in the event of an emergency, without the necessity of prior approval.  It is understood that if any emergency occurs, a responsible adult will ensure that my child/ren receives proper medical attention and that arrangements are made for his/ her return home, if necessary.  I understand that I will be notified by the quickest possible means if this authority is exercised.

In signing the release, I (we) understand the intent thereof, and I (we) hereby agree and absolve and hold harmless the Association of Central Alberta Youth For Christ, and any other parties connected with the CAYU programs in any way, singly or collectively from and against any blame and liability for any injury, misadventure, harm , loss, inconvenience or damage hereby suffered or sustained as a result of participation in the event, or any activities associated therewith.  I (we) hereby consent to and permit emergency treatment in the event of injury or illness.  

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Getting Connected

Please select all that apply.
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Please select one option.


Please fill out this form and click submit.